Sunday, 14 December 2014

Nothing Compares.....

So the blogging begins with this inaugural  blog and I am feeling the pressure!

Let's start with the title of this blog which I have chosen for more than one reason:
Yup, you've got it, nothing that I blog will compare to Mr Michael Devitt's blog... find it at He has set us up as rivals (as you will see from his first blog) and well let's face it, he does want to write for a living because he wasn't very good at IT. I cannot tell you how many times I had to provide IT support in our house :). So no, my blog will not compare for wit and imagination :(

The other (far more important) reason for my choice of title is a re-occurring thought that has crept into my head on more occasions than I choose to mention in the last couple of weeks. I am sure that wherever our travels take us over the next 9 months and whatever we experience, none of it will compare to the warmth, love and care that Mike and I have felt from our family and friends over the last few months.

From leaving parties and drinks to offers of lifting and cleaning, from tears of sadness to messages of luck and happiness, it has been overwhelming. Maidstone Grammar school for Girls has been a bedrock of support since May and I am truly lucky to call many of my (now ex) work colleagues as friends. It was time to move on but the school will live very fondly in my memory.

Our parents are amazing... what would we do without them - I actually don't know. Leaving the best Mum in the world behind will be heart breaking, but as I keep reminding her (although I don't think she believes me), we WILLbe back in 9 months and I know she will visit the sunny island of Cyprus to see us. I wish John all the patience and understanding in the world, thank you for looking after my Mum :). I am lucky to count my parents-in-law as special as any parents could be and I will miss them for sure. Going on to spend some time with Dad and Dee will be wonderful and we are already relying on them heavily to help us out in our first month away from the UK... not to mention Tazzie sitting!!!!

I have 2 of the best friends in Nicky and Vicky but no emotion allowed!!!! They are trying hard but failing miserably. Nicky (and Bob of course) has been part of our lives for around 25 years and are family to us. They are always there for us, what more can I say apart from make sure you visit Mrs V, I need to take you snorkeling again :)

Vicky - I can barely speak to her without tears in our eyes. Dog walker, party best friend, drinking buddy, shoulder to lean on, storage for our furniture and just about anything else we ask of her. It's been a mammoth year my love, here's to 2015!!!

So Taz is ready to become an international jet-setter in his flying cage, Sam is going to tag along for 2 weeks and then return to university in Nottingham and as Vicky told me the other day, Mike and I will have each other... HELP!!!

I will do my up-most to blog regularly and make it much more upbeat and fun than this one, but it had to be done.

Will miss you all more than I ever realised... why am I so surprised??

1 comment:

  1. Right - I'm all signed up and ready to receive news of your fabulous travels. Have a great trip x
